New ebankment for Logport II at Duisburg Port
Due to the growing need of the logistics industry, Duisport GmbH at Duisburg Port decided to establish a new logistics center: the Logport II. As part of this project, a new embankment measuring 360 meters long had to be built. It was executed in a combination of sheet piling with single bracing and sheet piling with double bracing on large-scale drilled piles.
In order to absorb the large bending moment calculated in the structural analysis, we had to reinforce the sheet piling material with slats in the field moment range. Anchor plates for absorbing the anchor forces were then welded into the sheet piling troughs.
The driving work was carried out with a combination of vibration and hammering technology. Thanks to precise driving, the LARSSEN wall was built so true to size that with a wall length of 360 meters, there was only a protrusion of 25 centimeters in the direction of the wall axis. This is due to the high driving rigidity of the piles and the low delivery tolerances of the double U-sections from the LARSSEN section range.
In parallel to the driving work, the 24-meter-long thyssenkrupp drilled injection piles were manufactured for bracing the embankment. Thanks to high driving accuracy, we were able to keep to the theoretical anchor distances exactly. This was important because drilled piled with a diameter of 1.50 meters and lengths of 20 meters needed to be installed behind the sheet piling between the anchors. A one-meter thick and eight-meter tall reinforced concrete wall measuring 310 meters in length was erected on top of these drilled piles and secured with thyssenkrupp drilled injection piles and a dead-man anchor construction.